Water Measurement Instruments

Background Notes

My daughter, Marianne, is a keen open water swimmer. As she lives in Edinburgh sea temperature is an important factor in how long it is safe to be in the water. Initially she used a Mothercare Duck or Skate to measure water temperature. These were designed to measure the temperature of babies' bath water and were not particularly accurate. They make instantaneous readings and don't keep a record of temperatures over time.

            click thumbnail for full size image

I was commissioned to make a more accurate device, and one which could record time series.

A prototype was constructed using a waterproof DS18B20 semiconductor temperature sensor which is typically used in cars to provide frost alerts. This was interfaced to a Raspberry Pi Zero with a display and mounted in a waterproof Screwfix Wago capsule junction box.

Data is recorded on a microSD card but also is available via a web server running on the Raspberry Pi.

            click thumbnail for full size image

Since then a number of devices have been constructed to measure a wider range of water properties from a kayak.

This work was motivated by curiosity over a period of time rather than against a specification. Thus each device is 'stand-alone' whereas if you set out to measure multiple variables you might make different design decisions (e.g. using a single processing unit).

All the devices record time-stamped measurements at 10-second intervals onto a microSD card. When data is collected a commercial GPS unit is used to record the kayak's location against time.

The image below shows an overview of the system. The thin horizontal tube has been positioned to show the nominal level of the water's surface. In use the rectangular plywood panel is velcroed to the side of the kayak alongside the paddler. Attached to the panel is an aluminium tube which holds the sensors below the water surface. This tube can rotate upwards to lift the sensors from the water (e.g. when landing or cleaning them).

            click thumbnail for full size image

Each sensor is connected to its own microcomputer and display.

After data collection the GPS locations are combined with the water measurements to give geolocated and time-stamped data. This can then be visualised as time series or against map backgrounds.


A number of devices have been assembled to measure a range of variables. At present these include ...

        click for full size image

Salinity sensor and processing unit

The devices are all designed to be deployed from a kayak so have to be waterproof.

They all share a set of common components which makes development and support easier. The common components are ...

The components unique to specific devices are ...

Each sensor is interfaced to the Arduino processor which collects and writes data to an SD card at 10 second intervals.

The Arduino is configured with a real time clock (RTC) with battery backup which provides current date and time and an OLED display which shows the latest measurements.

Summary of Variables Measured
Units Current
Battery life
(4,400 mAhr)
Temperature One-wire °C ~40 mA 110
Turbidity (or Cloudiness) Digital relative ~40 mA 110
Salinity (or Conductivity) UART (serial) µS/cm and ppt ~100 mA 44
Dissolved Oxygen UART (serial)ml/L and % ~100 mA 44


The following images show some of the components used

            click a thumbnail for full size image

Dissolved Oxygen Probe
DO Circuit & Carrier Board
Feather M0 Adalogger
Precision RTC
OLED Display
Signal Wiring
Support Structure

Water Temperature

Sample measurements are available which graphically show warm water emerging into the River Camel.

Temperature is measured using a DS18B20 sensor. This is connected using a so called '1-wire' interface.

Data is appended to a CSV file on the SD card at 10 second intervals. A new file is created every day and is named yyyymmdd.CSV (e.g. 20221025.CSV).

    data output format on SD card (spaces added for clarity)
    date-time,            temperature (C)

    2021-06-14 10:11:30,  24.94
    2021-06-14 10:11:40,  25.37
    2021-06-14 10:11:50,  25.50
    2021-06-14 10:12:00,  25.37
    2021-06-14 10:12:10,  25.25
DS18B20 wire Wire Colour M0 Adalogger Pin Function
Vcc Red 3v3 3v3
1-wire data Green 10 (PA18) + 4k7 resistor to 3v3 data

Water Turbidity (or Cloudiness)

Sample measurements are available from the Kingsbridge Estuary which show increased turbidity over mud flats at the head of the Estuary.

Turbidity is estimated using a home-made sensor. This is based partly on the design used by the Open Turbidity Project.

        click for full size image

The above image shows the test cell used to calibrate the turbidity sensor. It is in the form of a cup-shaped cell, with a cap (not shown) to exclude ambient light.

The cylindrical cell contains three ports. The one at 10 o'clock contains an IR photosensor, and the ones at 1 o'clock (right-angle) and 4 o'clock (right-angle) contain IR LEDs.

The IR photosensor outputs a frequency which increases linearly with increasing light intensity.

The cell used for measurements is identical but has no base or cap so as to allow water to flow through. It is mounted with cylinders containing spiral baffles on either side to prevent external light in.

Measurements are made with

For calibration a concentrated solution of diatomaceous earth was prepared. After taking a set of three measurements (as above) the solution was diluted by a factor of two and fresh measurements made. This dilution was repeated until no measurements changes were observed.

The graph above shows the frequency output by the photosensor (proportional to detected illumination) as a function of concentration.

The grey curve shows the straight-through measurements, and the red curve shows the amount of light scattered at right angles.

The straight-through (direct) measurements remain relatively constant until the concentration reaches about 600 ppm (log10(2.8)). Above this they fall increasingly rapidly. This means that the straight-through measurements can not be used to estimate concentrations of less than 600 ppm.

In contrast, the right-angle measurements increase from very low concentrations, but start to flatten out at concentrations above 2,500 ppm (log10(3.4)).

However by making both measurements it is possible to cover a wide range of turbidities.

    data output format on SD card (spaces added for clarity)
    date-time,            freq-direct (Hz),  freq-right-angle (Hz),  freq-no-led (Hz)
    2022-04-26 12:32:30,  13806.6,           11.8,                   0.2
    2022-04-26 12:32:40,  29486.6,           10.8,                   0.5
    2022-04-26 12:32:50,  29503.3,           10.1,                   0.2
    2022-04-26 12:33:00,  26376.6,           7.0,                    0.2

Water Salinity (or Conductivity)

Sample measurements made on the Dart Estuary show high salinity near the sea and lower salinities upstream.

The salinity sensor uses an Atlas Scientific Mini Lab Dissolved Oxygen Probe. This is interfaced to the Arduino processor via an EZO Conductivity Circuit mounted on an Electrically isolated carrier board.

Data is appended to a CSV file on the SD card at 10 second intervals. A new file is created every day and is named yyyymmdd.CSV (e.g. 20221025.CSV).

    data output format on SD card (spaces added for clarity)
    date-time,            conductivity (µS/cm), salinity (ppt @25C)
    2022-04-26 12:32:20,  41980.00,             26.94
    2022-04-26 12:32:30,  41930.00,             26.90
    2022-04-26 12:32:40,  41840.00,             26.83
    2022-04-26 12:32:50,  41610.00,             26.67
    2022-04-26 12:33:00,  41770.00,             26.79

The Arduino and Sensor Interface Card communicate using serial communications (9,600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit).

Sensor/Isolator Pin Wire Colour M0 Adalogger Pin Function
Vcc Red 3v3 3v3
Off - - -
Tx Sensor Green Rx CPU (16) Rx CPU
Rx Sensor Yellow Tx CPU (15) Tx CPU

Dissolved Oxygen

The dissolved oxygen sensor uses an Atlas Scientific Mini Lab Dissolved Oxygen Probe. This is interfaced to the Arduino processor via an EZO Dissolved Oxygen Circuit mounted on an Electrically isolated carrier board.

Data is appended to a CSV file on the SD card at 10 second intervals. A new file is created every day and is named yyyymmdd.CSV (e.g. 20221025.CSV).

    data output format on SD card (spaces added for clarity)
    datetime,             oxygen (ml/L), oxygen (%)
    2022-10-22 14:33:40,  9.09,          100.00
    2022-10-22 14:33:50,  9.09,          100.00
    2022-10-22 14:34:00,  9.09,           99.90
    2022-10-22 14:34:10,  9.09,          100.00
    2022-10-22 14:34:20,  9.09,           99.90
    2022-10-22 14:34:30,  9.09,           99.90
    2022-10-22 14:34:40,  9.09,          100.00

The Arduino and Sensor Interface Card communicate using serial communications (9,600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit).

Sensor/Isolator Pin Wire Colour M0 Adalogger Pin Function
Vcc Red 3v3 3v3
Off - - -
Tx Sensor Green Rx CPU (16) Rx CPU
Rx Sensor Yellow Tx CPU (15) Tx CPU

Adafruit Feather M0 Adalogger

        Feather M0 Adalogger Pinouts   click for full size image