Produced by: at 2025-02-09 05:32:41
Year | Month | ||||||||||||
2025 | Jan | Feb | |||||||||||
2024 | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2023 | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
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2021 | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
2020 | Dec |
Receiving stations submit candidate signals to the Blitzortung servers. These signals go through a series of quality control steps and are grouped in time with signals from other stations. These are refered to as 'involved'.
Then a fitting process takes place, but only a sub-set of the involved signals are actualy used to determine the fix, these are refered to as 'used' signals.
The graph above shows the number of signals used in fixes for each hour/station combination.
The Venn diagram shows the number of signals used from three of the more efficient stations near Exeter.
The central (gray) area shows the number of Blitzortung fixes that included used signals from all three stations.
The other segments show the number of fixes which used other combinations of the three stations (of course other stations throughout Europe will have contributed to all these fixes, and to other fixes not detected by these three stations.).
The map shows the location of all fixes located by Blitzortung in its Region 01 ('Europe') yesterday.
Fixes that are close to others in distance (< ~2 km) are clustered together and displayed as coloured circles. Isolated fixes are shown as small black dots.
The Calendar plot shows the number of fixes observed per day in Blitzortung's Europe Region. The scale is a log2 scale so
The polar diagrams show the percentage of fixes used from given stations in each polar cell relative to the number of fixes determined by Blitzortung in the same cell.
The diagrams include data from September 2020 to mid January 2021 inclusive. Both these stations were operating throughout this period.
The diagrams use azimuth-range cells 5° wide and 100km long. To be processed a cell is required to contain at least 10 Blitzortung fixes, otherwise it is left blank (as are cells with no fixes).
The sector between 300° and 030° contains little or no output - presumably due to a lack of lightning activity in the northern Altlantic in these Autumn/Winter months.
In the sector between 215° and 300° the Otter Valley station contributes to the majority of fixes. Such fixes are in the Atlantic and the UK stations are closer than most in Europe.
The Bridport station performs well between 240° and 300° but, relative to the Otter Valley station, shows very low percentages between 180° and 240° and also between 30° and 60°. This might be an indication of an antenna problem (aligned 030° - 210°?).
Between 45° and 135° these two stations contribute to relativey few fixes. Fixes in this sector are in mainland Europe or over the Mediterranean. In these areas the Blitzortung servers have many closer stations contributing stronger signals which can be used to fix the flashes.