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This page links to graphs showing the tides at a number of locations for a range of periods.
- Dartmouth, Devon
- Leith, Edinburgh
The following graph shows the layout used.
- this graph covers a three day period
- dates are shown on the horizontal axis along top of the graph
- times, at 4 hour intervals, are shown along the bottom of the graph
- the current date-time is indicated by a vertical red line
- the time the graph was generated is shown in red in the bottom left corner
- the location the graph was produced for is also shown in the bottom left corner
- the vertical axis shows the tide height in metres
- the heights (high and low) of the Mean Spring Tide are shown as horizontal red lines
- the heights (high and low) of the Mean Neap Tide are shown as horizontal blue dotted lines
- the tidal coefficient is shown along the centre of the graph
- The tidal coefficient is the tide's amplitude divided by the average Spring tide amplitude expressed as a percentage
- A very big Spring tide can have a coefficient of 120%, and a very low Neap tide a coefficient of around 20%
- the tidal level itself is shown by the sinuous blue line
- the shaded areas indicate the periods when the sun is set
- the moon icons show the phases of the moon
- Spring tides occur a few days after New and Full moons
- Neap tides occur a few days after the first and third quarter (when half of the moon is visible)